Building changelog from Git log output
September 15, 2012
Essential string processing functions in Common Lisp
September 10, 2012
It should be noted that true Common Lisp somewhat lacks in several important parts of string-processing, and it shows sometime. Today I needed to heavily process large body of regular text and will write here some functions which are AFAIK considered "standard" in modern languages and which not so easily accessible and/or amazingly intuitive in CL.
Context-dependent Behat tests steps
August 28, 2012
Preamble is this: we have the PHP-based website, and we are testing it with the Behat+Mink+MinkExtension combo.
PHP: Text trimming, value dumping and MIME encoding
September 5, 2011
While working on various web projects written completely in PHP, I collected some custom procedures for more satisfying work.