The Mozaic
May 27, 2015
I have finally compiled the anthology of the articles I completely adore and love. In the hope this collection will be useful I have uploaded the resulting PDF into Scribd and into my portfolio.
Book was compiled with AsciiDoc and overall was a great sandbox for learning book authoring using Emacs, AsciiDoc, DocBook and Apache FOP toolchains. I must say it was a total mess which removed 3 working days from my life (forgive me, my company).
Russian Translation of Web Application Development with Yii 2
March 4, 2015
Web Application Development with Yii 2 and PHP
September 24, 2014
Holy cow, I wrote a book! After the terror of 6 months writing, re-reading and re-writing, “Web Application Development with Yii 2 and PHP” have finally been published at 26th of September. It was completely unexpected for me to receive this contract, I have never used version 2 of Yii framework, which was in early beta at the time, and had quite small Web presence to be spotted by any publisher.
The Vis Major book
January 1, 0001
Release: when it’s done.